We Need Your Support!

We need your support!

We would like to thank you for taking the time to think about supporting the Boys & Girls Club Family Center as we are navigating the COVID-19 waters. These times have had a serious impact on our organization, the families that we serve and especially our youth. As we move from our summer program, we are proud to announce that due to the precautions that were put in place, we did not have any issues with COVID-19. We have been diligent with our new policies and procedures and will continue to be as cautious moving forward.

On Tuesday, September 15, 2020, the structure of our Boys & Girls Club will be drastically impacted again. We will be moving from being an after school program site to a full day site that will be hosting virtual school learning during the day. We will transition to after school programming during the afternoon, but this change has made us adjust our operations and costs for members.

We are taking this change as an opportunity to assist our community as best we can. With schools moving to virtual learning, many children from kindergarten to sixth grade will be left home without supervision and this makes parents have to decide whether to work or stay home to provide guidance for their child. This is where the Boys & Girls Club Family Center comes in to help.

Being that we are moving to full day programming, we are offering our site as a place to host virtual learning for students/members. We are working closely with Early Education and Care (EEC), New England Farm Workers (NEFW), Springfield Public Schools (SPS) and our local legislators to make sure that all youth have a safe place to be. The issue that we run into is that many families do not qualify for vouchers and have to pay the full rate for their child to attend the Club. Below is a breakdown of our full day rates.

Full Day Cost: $40.00/Day            Weekly Cost:       $200.00/Week

Monthly Cost: $800.00/Month      1st Semester Cost: $3,200.00/(September – December)

Our goal is to raise $50,000.00 to offset the cost for parents that may not be able to pay the full day rate. We know that many families have been impacted financially by COVID-19 and your donations to the Boys & Girls Club Family Center will go directly to a family in need. Now more than ever is the time that we need support from our business community. We hope that you will consider supporting our community.

If you need to speak to me directly, I can be reached by phone and email at: 413-739-4743 ext. 212, and [email protected].

You can also make a donation directly by clicking the donate button below.



Keshawn Dodds