March Calendar

Please select the program(s) you would like to register your child for by checking the box. You can select more than one program. A confirmation email will be sent out with your Zoom meeting link, ID and password. Book reading times take place via our social media platforms with the Live feature. We will send you an email confirmation with the link to participate.
[tt_timetable event=’group-circle,super-heroes-corner-keshawn-dodds’ event_category=’pre-school’ columns=’monday,tuesday,wednesday,thursday,friday’ filter_label=’All Programs’ time_format=’g:i A’ hide_hours_column=’1′ event_layout=’4′ row1_color=’0185c5′ row2_color=’ffffff’ box_bg_color=’1f365c’ box_hover_bg_color=’0185c5′ filter_color=’f78300′ disable_event_url=’1′ row_height=’71’ id=’1′ colors_responsive_mode=’1′]
[dt_fancy_title title=”TEENS” title_size=”h2″ title_color=”title”]